Speaking Engagements and Workshops


If you’re interested in Coach Flame as a speaker or a teacher, please fill out this form to request more information. I craft custom presentations and workshops for small businesses, corporations, Vistage and ICF Chapters worldwide.


Sample Topics

  • Enneagram

    Get introduced to the nine Enneagram Types in an engaging, team-building workshop.

  • Home/Work Balance

    Life is filled with competing priorities – find clues as to which ones are most critical for you.

  • Resilience

    Living through a global pandemic is no joke. How can we bounce back to our best selves?

  • Leadership

    Whether Servant Leadership or leadership at all levels, there’s a leader in each of us. Tune into it with ease and authenticity.

  • Coaching Tools

    A tool bag filled with easily-applied coaching skills for managers, leaders, Scrum Masters and ICF Chapters.

  • Cognitive Bias

    We all have blind spots, but how do we work with them and notice when they’ve gotten the best of us?

  • Self-Soothing

    A critical skill in this era of anxiety and stress.

  • You Choose

    Meet with me so that I can help you design a workshop or Lunch & Learn that fits your audience and their needs.

Selected Speaking Clients

 Listen to my podcast, The Spark Sisters